Duck in Space tamper (homage to Brancusi)

Brass Duck in Space A.jpg
Brass Duck in Space B.jpg
Brass Duck in Space A.jpg
Brass Duck in Space B.jpg
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Duck in Space tamper (homage to Brancusi)


Duck in Space is a homage to Brancusi. Last year I had the pleasure to show the actual bird in space to my family while on a trip to Italy. Being an art student, way back when, it was a real treat. For your collection I present: Duck in Space, a homage to Brancusi. I’m a huge fan of found object art, and here is evidence. The brass formed rod is sunken into a very old piece of Italian briar and the connection is secured by Monster Mash, my own concoction. I hope you enjoy!
Length: 3.5”
Weight: .7 ounces

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