I was very fortunate to be able to chat with another one of the great American pipe carvers, Kirk Bosi, at the 2008 Chicagoland Pipe Show
AuthorOlie Sylvester
Frenchy of Frenchy's pipes took a few moments to chat with me about his blooming business, his Yankees hat, his favorite tobacco, and the ugliest pipe he's ever seen (and had to have.)
AuthorOlie Sylvester

Frank is the main coordinator for the Chicoagoland Pipe Show. He gives us the lowdown on the events as well as some other neat bits of information. Frank is pictured here with a 1930s Dunhill advertisement pipe, which he claims is unsmokable. (My questions are: 1. How many times did he try to smoke it? and, 2. Is the pipe really big, or is Frank just really small?) 

Frank Burla

AuthorOlie Sylvester

  The recording of the legendary Pipestud is something you don't want to miss. For those of you who do not know Pipestud yet, he is a regular contributor to the Yahoo message board Pipesmokers 2. He is a font of knowledge and has written numerous reviews of tobacco which can be found at TobaccoReviews.com. He also consigns estate pipes on ebay, works at the Texas Sports Hall of Fame, and calls horse races on the weekends in Austin, Texas. As a special treat, at the very end of this podcast we have a recording of him calling a race. subscribe in iTunes 


AuthorOlie Sylvester
Our First Episode: An Interview with Bjarne Nielsen Bjarne Nielsen is a world-famous pipe carver from Denmark, who of course, owns Bjarne Pipes, Ltd. Hear what Bjarne has to say about handmade vs. machine made pipes, how he started, and lots of other great stories. Click here for the podcast.
AuthorOlie Sylvester